Άλλο ένα ζωάκι φτιαγμένο από καλτσούλα! Ένα γλυκό γουρουνάκι! Το έφτιαξα μόνο με μία παιδική κοντή καλτσούλα, λίγη (ελάχιστη) λευκή τσόχα (για τα ματάκια τις πατουσίτσες και τα αυτάκια) και μπόλικο γέμισμα! Πως σας φαίνεται?! Μήπως έχετε καμιά ιδέα για όνομα? Ποια θα γίνει η νονά? ...
Όσο περίεργο και αν ακούγεται, με τις κάλτσες μπορείς να φτιάξεις ένα σωρό πραγματάκια και κυρίως κουκλάκια! Τα πλεονεκτήματα πολλά! Μπορείς να βρεις υπέροχα σχέδια σε πολύ χαμηλή τιμή, με βούλες, ριγέ, αλλά και ένα σωρό χρώματα! Ράβονται πανεύκολα, ειδικά στη ραπτομηχανή και έχουν ελαστικότητα (να μπορείς να τα ζουπάς όλη την ώρα και να μην παθαίνουν τίποτα!) Για τα κουκλάκια που έφτιαξα χρειάστηκε μόνο ένα ζευγάρι κάλτσες! (Βέβαια ήταν οι ψηλές που φτάνουν ως...
Ανταλλαγή Δώρων {Gift Exchange}
December 24, 2011 / BY Vivika
Η Ρένα, η Κική και η Μαρία οργανώνουν μια ανταλλαγή δώρων! Tο δικό μου δωράκι είναι αυτός ο πλεκτός σελιδοδείκτης! Ελπίζω να σας αρέσει! {Three greek girls, Rena, Kiki and Maria, host a gift exhange! This is my gift.} ...
It's here!
December 23, 2011 / BY Vivika
Some weeks ago, I ordered my very own Cambridge Satchel. And yes, it is here! Have a look! Yep, that's my name, embossed on the bag. How cool is that? ...
Hi! I made a pair of flower earrings! 100% cotton, colourful, happy earrings! Winter is here for good and we need some colour to brighten up our days! What do you think of them? Find them on Etsy. ...
Thanks Santa!
December 13, 2011 / BY Vivika
Something was lying under the Chrismas tree... Oh yes... The shoes that I dreamed of! Look at them! Aren't they lovely?! ...
December 13, 2011 / BY Vivika
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Follow my blog with Bloglovin ...
I was testing the "neat ripple pattern" from my beloved Attic24, and when I finished the first row, I knew what I wanted to do next. A mobile case! It is 100% cotton, that means super easy to wash! It is really soft, so my phone is protected from my evil keys! So more to come tomorrow at my etsyshop! ...
Hello! That's me! I found this A to Z prompt at ohshoot, one of my favourite blogs and I couldn't help but do it! A. Age: 24 B. Bed size: Queen C. Chore that you hate: Is there any that I love?! D. Dogs: None. Yet. E. Essential start to your day: Coffee F. Favorite color: Pink. G. Gold or Silver: Gold H. Height: 1.73m I. Instruments you play: None J. Job title: Graphic Designer K....
As I promised yesterday, here are the rest of my -handmade with love- bookmarks. The Super Froggy Hippy Hippo Fish and sea Three Flowers My heart belongs to you Butterfly Flower and heart Elephant The patterns are from ravenly (best pattern site!), books and my mind! ...
My crochet hook and I were very busy the last few weeks... An exhibition of handmade bookmarks was announced and I wanted so badly to participate! I had a few ready, but few is never enough! So here is what I made! The cute pink bookworm: The little bear with the bow: Τwo (pink) hearts bookmark: Two pink flowers: The curly bookmark: The rainy cloud: The small flower: The little daisy: Stay tuned, so more...